ABBS (Advanced Blast & Ballistic Systems) is the leading UK technology innovator in the survivability of tactical vehicles exposed to mine/IED blast. We wish to partner with OEMs and vehicle up-armourers 'in military and civil markets to offer these unique capabilities. Traditional steel belly plates can be replaced with 25% lighter carbon fibre reinforced designs which deform less, save weight and potentially eliminate intrusion into the cabin space. Active floor options prevent Floor Shock injuries and powerful Linear Rocket Motor systems eliminate the Global Acceleration threat by counteracting blast lifting forces. Extensive testing in both the UK and the USA has validated the technologies and an independent report by the UK Forces media has had over 1 million views.' Teamings have been established with DSTL, Pentagon (RRTO), the US Army Ground Vehicle Systems Centre (GVSC) and others, with the patented crash prevention safety technologies being applied into the eVTOL and other rapid-growth markets.