Blu Wireless's IEEE 5G broadband networking equipment provides robust and covert LPI/LPD gigabit edge processing for communication networking across IoT for the military. 5G for the defence sector is radically different from 5G for commercial consumer use. Defence and public safety private networks require significantly more reliability and cannot afford a single point of failure. We want to help shape our customers' thinking around the technology available to securely implement communication networks that support their combat, digital, cyber and space strategies. Our IEEE 5G Wireless equipment, using the mmWave frequency bands at 57-71 GHz, has the unique ability to meet this technical challenge, and deliver robust and covert multi-gigabit edge computing communications to the tactical edge.
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The Blu Wireless mmWave mobile mesh platform supports tactical connectivity between vehicles, allowing users to run applications and IP networking (L2 or L3) over the top of the mesh network.