Drumgrange Ltd is a thriving independent UK engineering systems house operating in the Defence industry with a proven track record for the rapid realisation of demanding design tasks combined with high quality manufacturing. We specialise in the design, development, manufacture, integration and through life support of military equipment with broad capabilities across both the land and maritime domains. With over forty years' experience, Drumgrange is an expert in the integration of existing technology to create successful, cost effective solutions and is backed by a full range of in-house support services. Additionally, Drumgrange supplies an expanding range of UK quality specialised off the shelf products to worldwide commercial and defence markets. Drumgrange products are in service with the UK Armed Forces at home and overseas, NATO forces and Foreign Militaries.
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By combining our extensive maritime knowledge with exceptional sound quality, Drumgrange has produced a fully marinised highly flexible long range Acoustic Hailing Device.
Drumgrange has developed a range of Communication Simulation Training Solutions. ComSim is a radio frequency environment simulator used for the testing, demonstrating and training of military radios w ...
Drumgrange has developed a digital intercom and radio combiner system for use on land and maritime platforms. An ideal solution for patrol craft and vehicles, Diamond provides voice connectivity betwe ...
Drumgrange can supply a range of military GPS and differential GPS solutions for naval applications providing accurate location and timing information for the platform’s navigation, communications and ...
Drumgrange has specialist, broad based expertise in time standards technology and offers both Caesium and Rubidium Precise Time and Frequency Equipment (PTFE). The Caesium based system has an integral ...
Drumgrange can provide a range of Signature Monitoring Systems (SMS) for organically monitoring the radiated acoustic emissions of Warships and Submarines.
Drumgrange has been actively involved in the Strategic VLF Submarine Broadcast Communications program since the 1980s having developed bespoke items of equipment that span the entire VLF communication ...
Drumgrange has been actively involved in the Strategic VLF Submarine Broadcast Communications program since the 1980s having developed bespoke items of equipment that span the entire VLF communication ...