Heli Operations
- | Air Platforms
- | Training & Simulation
- | Unmanned & Autonomous
- | Cyber Essentials / Cyber Essentials PLUS
- | ISO 9001
- | <b>Other</b>
- | ISO 14001
HeliOps has provided aviation training, services and regulatory support to various sectors of the military and civilian aviation industry for over 18 years. We are proud to enjoy a demonstrable track record of training provision to the UK's MOD, Home Office, and ETPS, the Norwegian Air Force, the German Navy, the Bangladesh Air Force and the Irish Coastguard alongside private clients and various operating companies, including Bristow Helicopters and CHC who have relied upon HeliOps’ training expertise.
HeliOps is trusted to deliver because of the company’s capacity, reliability and suitability to provide bespoke aviation training that is regulatory compliant and based on the syllabi taught to the UK Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. We operate Sea King and AW139 helicopters on the military and civilian registers; other types are readilly available.
Safety and Regulation
Safety underpins everything we do. Our ability to continue to operate former military aircraft within the UK’s military flying training areas is subject to a strict regulatory regime that is tightly governed and controlled by the MOD. HeliOps’ engineering and flying activity is regulated, audited and certified by the UK’s Military Aviation Authority (MAA). An approval to operate is only awarded following a stringent audit process conducted by the MAA. Full compliance with the engineering and flying standards, processes and procedures set by the MAA’s regulations is mandatory and we are enormously proud that our performance has been exemplary. HeliOps is also supported by full ISO9001:2015 and 14001accreditation.
HeliOps’ training is provided from two sites on the UK’s southern coast. Live rotary wing training is conducted from our 5-acre helicopter operating facilities at Portland while our Sea King simulator is located within the confines of the Royal Navy Air Station Culdrose. Operating within the Royal Naval Air Station is a demonstration of the regard and trust placed in HeliOps by the UK’s Armed Forces and the Royal Navy in particular. Both locations enjoy easy access to the UK’s rail network and have convenient connections to all major UK airports
MV Triton
HeliOperations has recently acquired MV Triton to deliver maritime training for aircrew and deck handling teams, SOF and generic maritime training as required. Triton's deck, strengthened to operate helicopters up to 20t, is equipped with the lighting and approach aids found on modern warships. Ample ensuite accommodation and briefing facilities are available. Additional details can be provided on request.