Robosys is a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered Maritime Autonomy and Smart Shipping software with two decades of experience in the field.
Our VOYAGER AI software can transform a new or existing vessel into a fully autonomous Uncrewed Surface Vessel (USV), capable of independent navigation, collision avoidance and dynamic route optimisation.We use cutting edge AI and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to provide scalable levels of autonomy, up to and including full degree4 Autonomy.
In its simplest form, VOYAGER AI can also provide Collision Avoidance Decision Aid (CADA) support which is COLREGS compliant, for a vessel’s master to enhance the safety, productivity and efficiency of a lean crewed ships. At the next stage as an “Intelligent” AutoPilot it can autonomously control a lean crewed ship. Or, in a fully fledged USV, VOYAGER enables remote piloting, fully autonomous navigation and control including obstacle, collision and grounding avoidance utilising the latest AI enabled vessel identification and perception systems.