Carter's Lightweight Slewing Rings Offer Critical Design and Manufacturing Benefits
Why are Lightweight slewing rings (bearings) rapidly becoming the first choice for design engineers in demanding motion control applications, such as those occurring in the aerospace and defense industries? Quite simply, where absolute accuracy, optimum mechanical performance, and good corrosion resistance are essential, lightweight slewing rings have proven ability in the most challenging and hi-tech applications. Karl Brundell, MD of Abingdon-based precision bearing specialists Carter Manufacturing Ltd., examines the reasons why in more detail.
Innovative Design = Exceptional Accuracy
Sometimes it’s the numbers that tell the story. For example, we have recently seen one of Carter’s lightweight, heavy-duty aluminium slewing bearings specified for turret mounting in a defense-related application. The turret diameter measures over 1 meter yet has a run-out measured in microns. Put simply, a slewing ring or bearing allows design teams to replace paired bearings with a single item, which reduces parts count, weight, complexity, and cost. Typical slewing bearing applications in which Carter have been involved include; propulsion systems and radar gimbal bearings for Spacecraft, CT scanners and cardiovascular machines for Medical applications, helicopter seat mounts, weapon systems for Aerospace, and other precision military systems including robots, gun turrets, camera and surveillance systems.
Design strength, precision, and durability
The range of slew bearings available for use in high-tech applications in the defense, aerospace, cryogenic or nuclear industries provides a variety of different internal and external styles. This means that the possibilities are considerable and allows Carter Manufacturing to tailor a slew bearing response to a specific application, whether it is designed to carry a 200gm scanner rotating at 200deg/sec or a 12-tonne telescope that takes 20 hours to complete a full rotation.
Material choice and the importance of Sealing and Lubrication
Slewing bearings used in aggressive environments, on spacecraft, in ultra-high vacuum, or extremes of temperature applications need special seals and lubrication. For general manufacturing applications, there are many standard options to choose from, but for high-end uses in some of the areas described, Carter Manufacturing have been involved in some fascinating science and manufacturing projects. This has resulted in the development of bespoke seals and innovative lubricants that have proved to be genuine game-changers for the defense and aerospace sectors.
Accuracy, longevity, lightness, and corrosion resistance
Most of Carter’s projects related to defense, and military applications involve very high-specification bearings with relatively low production runs. Accuracy, longevity, lightness, and corrosion resistance are seen as vital attributes and our facilities allow designers to simulate their bearing needs, capture the essential data they require, and work with us to refine the optimum materials and bearing design choices in advance of producing working prototypes.
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Contact: Karl Brundell, Carter Manufacturing Ltd, Unit 7 Isis Court, Abingdon Business Park,
Oxon OX14 1DZ