How a unified tactical indoor recon robots system can give an enhanced advantage to special ops teams
In fact, since 2016, military, law enforcement, government, and security teams around the globe have been able to benefit from an innovative indoor tactical sUAV (aerial robot | drone), the highly successful LokiMkII, already adopted by more than 500 agencies across five continents, including 20 EU countries, 47 US states, and all 10 Canadian provinces.
In 2022, SKY-HERO enhanced his suite with a completely new unmanned vehicle providing superior scouting on the ground within complex and unsafe under roof areas in the form of a compact, throwable robot , the tactical sUGV (ground robot | rover), the SigynMkI.
In 2023, SKY-HERO will unveil exclusively at IDEX 2023 in Abu Dhabi the third vector of its unmanned suite consisting of a lightweight tactical camera, the NarfiMkI, that can be mounted on a pole or simply stuck to a wall to enhance awareness of potential threats.
Usually deployed in GPS-denied, ultra-confined indoor and enemy-held environments, these three high-end unmanned devices operated by the same controller improve considerably the assault’s tactics, the safety of the operator and the quality of each recon mission. Additional non-lethal payloads will add complementary capabilities for effective threat response, further expanding the options available to the assaulters’ teams.
Together, this tactical equipment controlled by a proprietary smart operating firmware creates the first-ever Unified Tactical Indoor Recon Robots System. This system provide urgently needed functionalities for gathering critical information and precise situational awareness via aerial and now, also terrestrial robots with high maneuverability, sophisticated sensors, and advanced algorithms.
Fully designed, tested, and constructed in Europe and the United States in conjunction with the world’s top counterterrorism squadrons, SKY-HERO’s Unified Tactical Indoor Recon Robots System appears today as the ideal reconnaissance tool for first-responders whatever the indoor context type by giving them the guarantees of more safety and real-time data collection direct from the field of operation.
These SKY-HERO’s devices fulfil all the expectations of civil protection forces drone for their daily scouting ops: fast handling, 100% on-board technology, maneuverability, precision, daytime and night-time observation and evolution capability, with a sturdy, light design.
The LokiMkII is a tactical intervention drone providing police officers, security services and soldiers with immediate capabilities to detect, reduce and clear threats in complex terrain such as dense urban areas, confined spaces and underground passages.
LokiMkII performs in almost any lighting condition, seamlessly transitioning from sunlight to complete darkness. With a highly sensitive Night-Day IR sensor camera and high-gain microphone, LokiMkII provides real-time video and audio back to the team. By utilizing an analogue-based communications system, the connection between the sUAS and Stand-Alone Ground Controller has no lag or freezing issues, preventing crashes and ensuring real-time intelligence. Moreover, the ability to control multiple sUAS simultaneously from a single controller allows a single pilot to observe several areas at once. The LokiMkII’s rugged design and integrated flight stabilization system ensures total flight control in very confined spaces, as well as the ability to withstand the “full contact” nature of indoor flight. If crashed during an operation, the LokiMkII can remotely self-right, allowing the mission to continue.
The SigynMkI sUGV reconnaissance robot is a rugged, simple-to-use, throwable ground device conceived to deliver scouting support in difficult-to-access and hazardous places.
This rover is purpose built with aviation-grade carbon fiber and reinforced with polycarbonate frames for a rugged but lightweight build, allowing the operator to deploy the bot with a single-handed throw. It provides the operator with front and back wide-angle ultra-sensitive Day-Night camera, eight dimmable IR LEDs and a payload connection system to execute complex tactical missions from a safe stand-off distance, in any light conditions. An embedded inertial motion sensor allows smart drive modes and automatic forward-facing camera selection. It uses market-standard batteries, swapped within 30 seconds. Quieter than a sUAV, it allows a more discreet approach to identify potential threats or unknown dangers.
The NarfiMkI tactical cam specifications will be unveiled at IDEX 2023. Stay tuned. And visit Stand #08-A28 to see it in action.
As for the LokiMkII, the SigynMkI and the upcoming NarfiMkI are operated via the same handheld controller, GCSMkII, providing a strong AES 256 encryption and diversified analog audio-video receptors which prohibit signal interception and secure all vehicle, payload, and intelligence data. This small but rugged controller also allows a single operator to control any combination of up to four Loki sUAS and/or Sigyn UGVs and/or Narfi Cam simultaneously.
Additionally to the controller screen, a Tactical Wrist Viewer allows other team members to choose between and watch any of the four device feeds, regardless of which device is currently being controlled. The new suite of payloads, from diversionary devices to sensors, will expand to support the SigynMkI and be interchangeable between both unmanned vehicles.
All those tactical components are seamlessly integrated into the SKY-HERO’s Unified Tactical Indoor Recon Robots System. They benefit all from a smart operating firmware, Odyssy, infusing the entire tactical robots ecosystem with innovative algorithms and artificial intelligence components. Odyssy supports the operation of multiple SKY-HERO’s vehicles (sUAV/sUGV) and device, sensors, payloads, data links, and other sub-systems from as little as one operator control station capable of handling all those advanced operations at the same time by combining intelligence with high-performance and unrivaled capabilities.
This homemade software is the true and vital nervous impulse of this unique Unified Indoor Tactical Recon Robots system, orchestrating all the aerial and terrestrial vectors simultaneously deployed in order to enable the execution of high profile and time-sensitive missions by allowing operators to focus on the success of their mission.