Eagle Eye Innovations (EEI) Technical Services
Technical Services includes, but is not limited to: -
- Drone Services - Drones have been adopted by many looking to expand their offerings as a business. This requires planning, resources, and specialist knowledge to deliver effectively. We can deliver these services to meet specific requirements, on a set timeline and within a set budget. This includes complex inspection reports for infrastructure, topographical models, and high-resolution imagery for a wide range of applications.
- Safety Assurance - Drone pilots seek to operate in ways, such as undertaking high-risk operations, flying larger drones, flying in specific locations and undertaking Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations, will require higher levels of Safety Assurance. Facilitation includes the generation of Operating Safety Cases (OSCs), the Specific Operating Risk Assessment (SORA) methodology anrd, risk assessments and incident reporting up to more robust certification standards.
- Test & Evaluation (T&E) – T&E is crucial in the drone industry to ensure safety, reliability, and performance. It supports the development of new systems and concepts, enabling advancements in areas like BVLOS operations, swarming, and article dropping. We have extensive experience testing innovative drone systems, from small UAS to larger MALE and HALE platforms. Our services include comprehensive Test Plans, complex flight test programs, payload testing, environmental testing, and safety testing.
- Consultancy - Our team of expert consultants offers comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs. We offer advice on the drone technology implementation, regulatory compliance, data analysis and other operational aspects. Our advisory services cover Concept of Operations (ConOps), Concept of Use (ConUse) and Concept of Employment (ConEmp) enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. We will guide you through regulatory compliance steps, both locally and nationally, and recommend the best technology for your project.
- ISO 9001
- Cyber Essentials / Cyber Essentials PLUS
- Fixed Wing
- Rotary Wing
- Consultancy
- Unmanned Systems Simulation and Training
- Aircraft
- Components & systems
- Drones