LifeSaver C1
Capable of producing up to 500,000 litres of safe drinking
water at the turn of a tap. Ideally suited for connection to overhead water storage tanks or municipal piped supplies where water quality may be compomised, a C1 brings clean drinking water in an easy to connect, install and portable package.
All that is required is for water to be stored at a height of
2 metres or more above the C1. This generates enough
pressure for the water to pass through the LifeSaver
C1’s patented ultra filtration cartridge. Alternatively, a
pressurised municipal feed or water pump with sufficient
pressure would work just as well.
Just one LifeSaver C1 will provide a group of 100
people daily drinking water for up to 4 and a half years
at a negligible cost per litre.
- Field Hospital Equipment/ Services
- Medical Equipment
- Rescue/ Survival Equipment
- Other