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Nexor Data Diode


The Nexor Data Diode is evaluated to Common Criteria EAL7+ and guarantees that data is only permitted to physically flow in a single direction, thereby enabling secure data transfer to the isolated network(s). It consists of two physical proxy servers with proxy software applications and a hardware Data Diode unit. One of the servers is connected to the lower security (downstream) network; the other server is connected to the higher security (upstream) network.

Fibre optic connections are made between each server and the Data Diode. The use of light-emitting diodes and receivers within the hardware data diode provides a 100% guarantee of one-way communication. The Nexor Data Diode Proxy software application manages the data connection to ensure that files and data streams can be sent across the Data Diode Hardware unit quickly and reliably. It handles the connection to simulate any required two-way handshakes, terminates the connection and transforms the data into a proprietary one-way protocol. This protocol is specifically designed for reliable one-way communication and implements both error detection and correction. 


  • ISO 9001
  • ISO27001:2005
  • Cyber Essentials / Cyber Essentials PLUS
  • TickIT
  • Other
  • Command & control
  • Communication systems
  • Data Protection
  • Design and management performance
  • Device Security & Antivirus
  • Electronic equipment, components
  • Installation and maintenance
  • Electrical Equipment
  • Data Management
  • Hardware
  • Network Security
  • Cyber Security
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