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Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC) / Paid Search

Innovation Visual Ltd

How does paid advertising work?

Where your ad appears relative to other advertiser’s ads depends on both how much you are prepared to pay for a single click on your ad to take the person to your website AND crucially what Google Ads term ‘quality score’. Quality score relates to a number of factors: how relevant the text is on the landing page of your website, what was searched for, the percentage chance of someone seeing your ad and choosing to click on it. 

When a user types a search term into a search engine you have the option to bid on appearing in the search results for that term. There are numerous factors to consider including:

  • The closeness of the match of the search term to the term you bid on
  • The geographical location of the person searching
  • The device they are using to search on (mobile / desktop / tablet)
  • Whether their search term includes any words you specifically don’t want to bid on
  • Even whether the person has been to your website before or not

Delivering you profitable visitors with paid advertising 

Our approach is to understand your business, your objectives, your profit margins and your lifetime customer value and from this create PPC campaigns that will be profitable for your specific business whether you're a UK based company or operate internationally. We know every business is unique and that to achieve the best results for you, we have to apply our knowledge and experience to you specific needs. We use our wealth of experience and knowledge in paid advertising to set-up campaigns that are going to best deliver on your business objectives. Unlike many agencies, we do not charge based on a percentage of advertising spend. We base our charges on the time we spend on the research and creation of your paid search campaigns and then the time on-going that we use to manage these campaigns to continually improve and add to them.


  • Consultancy
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  • Cyber Essentials / Cyber Essentials PLUS
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