Profiling ARGO floats - Lagrangian Subsurface Drifters
The Teledyne Webb Research "APEX" float is an autonomous drifting profiler used to measure subsurface currents and make profile measurements. It surfaces at programmed intervals for data telemetry and geo-location via ARGOS or IRIDIUM satellite. Standard sensors include Conductivity (Salinity), Temperature and Pressure (Depth) but other sensor options are available.
APEX has a 4-year life with alkaline batteries fitted or considerably longer with lithium. It can surface approximately 150 times from a maximum depth of 2000 metres. Floats are supplied deployment-ready, and are routinely deployed from merchant ships (VOS) whilst moving at 20+ knots. Air deployment packaging is also available.
APEX automatically adjusts buoyancy to follow an isobaric level while drifting, or can be programmed to follow an isopycnal level. The optional "park and profile" feature allows drift depth to be decoupled from maximum profile depth. For example, a float might be programmed to drift at 1000 dbar, then descend to 2000 dbar before profiling upward to the surface.
Only Teledyne offers the APEX-EM, a spinning float that directly measures water motion through induced electromagnetic currents.
The APEX salinity profiler has been certified by US Dept. of Defense for air deployment from C130 aircraft. Proven VOS and aircraft deployment packages are available options.
APEX can be easily tested and re-programmed by connecting a terminal.
As well as having a flexible choice of sensor choices, optional features also include Ice avoidance algorithm and recovery handle and strobe light.
- Navigation, Positioning & Timing
- Navigation Systems
- Receiver Technologies
- Sensor Technologies
- Robotics & Exploration
- Autonomy & Control
- Sensing Technologies
- In-situ Technologies
- Submersibles
- Submersibles
- Detection & Tracking
- Sensing Technologies