RFeye SenS Remote
The RFeye SenS Remote performs all the functions of a standard RFeye Node but with the addition of full-rate wideband I/Q streaming (100 MHz IBW) and allowing the use of a more powerful COTS processor. It enables secure wideband recording to take place in fixed, unmanned locations such as on a mast or tower; no data is stored on the remote receivers. The weatherproof remote receiver head/s are located as close to the antenna as possible to minimize cable losses. Data from the receivers is streamed via fiber-optic cables to COTS rack-mounted processors and storage media (SAN, NAS or RAID, for example) housed in a building or secure environmental enclosure. The data can be used to capture pattern-of-life information for evidentiary analysis, to generate libraries of high-value signals for manufacturing test and measurement (T&M), or even to record native environments for pre-mission operational planning.
- ISO 9001
- Cyber Essentials / Cyber Essentials PLUS
- Other
- Electronic Warfare
- Radio Frequency Sensing
- Antennas
- Combat Identification
- Sensing Technologies
- Surveillance