Secure Telematics, HUMS & IoT
The Microlise HUMS and Telematics system embodies 30 years of commercial experience and expertise to deliver best in class data acquisition for militay equipment. The end to end system is accredited and deployed across a range of green and white fleet platforms, enabling a better understanding of capability and for decisions to be made in an agile manner.
The Microlise hardware is robust and secure and data is transmitted across a commercial data network, secured by military accredited encryption.
The intuitive software platform allows equipment to be tracked and is supported by a suite of reporting and analysis tools to allow data to be exploited in-house or pushed externally. T
hrough its deployment users are able to understand critical engineering data to allow timely operational and support decisions to be made and to deliver Logistic effect.
Commanders at all levels are also better informed of the readiness and capability of their force through the provision of live, accurate infromation.
Through analysis of the data provided by the system, business processes such as servicing schedules can be modernised and made more efficient by seeking to base these on conditions and predictive analytics.
- Satellite Antennas
- Systems/Software
- Analytics
- Cloud
- Data Management
- Digital Twins
- Hardware
- Software
- Mechanical Components & Subcomponents
- Platform Structures
- Platform Systems
- Combat Vehicles
- Emergency Vehicles
- Lorries
- Patrol
- Plant & Machinery
- Battlefield Digitisation
- Maintenance and Diagnostics Training
- Modelling and Simulation
- ISO 9001
- ISO27001:2005
- Cyber Essentials / Cyber Essentials PLUS
- TickIT