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SPx Tracking Server

Cambridge Pixel

Track Radar Targets with an advanced radar distribution, target extraction and tracking server application.

Supports network distribution of radar video and track reports to remote clients in SPx, ASTERIX or NMEA 0183 formats.

High Performance Multi-Hypothesis Tracker

The SPx Tracker uses multi-hypothesis association. As measurements from radars are imperfect, the ability to simultaneously consider multiple interpretations offers significant improvements in performance over simpler single-hypothesis trackers.

Configurable Target Extraction Parameters

The behaviour of the tracker may be configured through a set of tracking parameters that control many aspects of the tracker's performance, including min/max speed of target, multi/single hypothesis association, fixed/adaptive gain and more.

Secondary Surveillance Radar Extraction

SPx Tracking Server supports target tracking from secondary surveillance radar (SSR) transponder video, including decoding of the interrogation mode information. If the SSR/IFF transponder video is sampled with sufficient resolution, the plot extraction process within SPx Tracking Server is able to extract codes from interleaved mode 1, 2, 3/A and C responses. This information then forms part of the plot and is passed onto the tracker to assist with tracking.


  • Systems Engineering
  • Receiver Technologies
  • Software
  • Control Systems
  • Radar
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