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Tactical Mobility Node

Blu Wireless

The MN402SC nodes will enable you to set up private mmWave networks rapidly and with ease. These wireless nodes are suitable for deployment in outdoor environments including ship and truck convoys, as well as flock of drone applications. Our MN402SC nodes are highly programmable wireless communication modules designed for the deployment of 5G multigigabit mobile mesh networking.

The MN402SC delivers force protection through stealthy LPI/LPD communications at range. Our IEEE 5G (802.11ad) technology operates in the unlicensed 60 GHz and delivers gigabit connectivity to both static and high-speed mobile applications.

Equiped with four radio faces to provide 360° coverage, tThe equipment also uses advanced beamforming with phased array antennas, with each node being able to connect to up to 30 clients. It’s also low SWAP, weighing in at <4 kg and power consumption figures at <50W. As Blu Wireless design the full stack inside each node, we’re able to configure every unit to whatever networking topology you require.

The MN402SC is already being deployed in a number of locations including USA, France and the UK - with strong interest in Japan.



Tactical vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications Land, Air and Sea-based Convoy operations Tactical Platform Maneuvering Mobile Expeditionary Command Post Applications Vehicle Maintenance Massive Data Upload.




  • Air Platforms
  • Communications
  • Command & control
  • Communication systems
  • Radios
  • Telecommunications
  • Base/ Camp Protection & Security
  • Electronic Warfare
  • Ground Segment Technologies
  • Support Technologies
  • Data Management
  • Network Security
  • Boats
  • Onboard Automated Materials Handling
  • Ships
  • Warships
  • Surveillance
  • Radios
  • Boats
  • Combat Vehicles
  • Ships
  • Border, land and coastal control systems
  • Surveillance
  • Technical Services
  • Aircraft
  • Drones
  • Vehicles
  • Antennas
  • GPS
  • Surveillance
  • ISO 9001
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