VALOR CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive)
The VALOR CBRNE curriculum contains a variety of immersive scenarios intended to support medical simulation training for responders to serious CBRNE incidents, including industrial and other accidents and terrorist or wartime attacks. The curriculum includes a wide variety of CBRNE agents and incident patterns and includes simulation of initial scene assessment, emergency decontamination line operations, and casualty collection point operations. A wide variety of incident environments are included in the curriculum, including urban attacks (such as a subway biological incident, an urban radiological incident, an industrial gas explosion, an agricultural chemical incident, and more). The scenario curriculum is designed to enable solo or team-based operation, including simulation training for large teams operating multiple simultaneous components of the response operation from the point of injury, to the casualty collection point, to the incident command center.
- Training & Simulation
- AR/VR/MR Based Training
- Medical Simulation and Training