VALOR En Route Care (Aeromedical Evacuation/Critical Care Air Transport)
The VALOR ERC curriculum contains a variety of immersive scenarios spanning the full spectrum of medical techniques, tactics, and protocols for prolonged en-route care, including routine aeromedical evacuation (AE) and critical care air transport (CCAT). Simulated scenarios cover a wide range of clinical medicine, including neurological, surgical, and cardiac critical care, pediatrics, infectious disease, and more. The curriculum is designed to enable both solo and interprofessional team-based training. A variety of realistically modeled airframes of differing sizes and medical capabilities are available, with appropriate medical sets, kits, and outfits based on standard airframe outfitting; equipment sets can be adjusted as needed to adapt to specific requirements. The scenarios support single and multi-patient scenarios, including the option to mix critical care and standard acuity patients in a single scenario and to dynamically escalate the acuity of patients to provide an extra clinical challenge to trainees.
- Training & Simulation
- AR/VR/MR Based Training
- Medical Simulation and Training