The DF-A0250 direction finding antenna covers a frequency range of 400 MHz to 6000 GHz for C-UAS applications..
The DF-A0111 is a wideband compact DF antenna appropriate for use with the Watson Watt method.It can also be used in 3 or 2-channel correlative systems.
The DF-A0257 is a tri band, compact Adcock DF antenna intended for direction finding from 20 MHz to 6000 MHz.
The OMNI-A0246 is a wideband wire cone monopole antenna that operates over the 1 to 30 MHz band with a VSWR of less than 2.8:1 over the band.
The HELI-A0105 is a dual port helical spiral, right-hand circularly polarised antenna designed for operating in the 2400 – 2500 MHz and 5725 – 5875 MHz bands. The antenna provides broad beam coverage
The LPDA-A0141 directional log-periodic dipole array (LPDA) is primarily designed for high-power applications.
The DF-A0048-01 is a compact, stationary and transportable HF direction finding antenna designed for DF systems using the Watson-Watt estimation method, as well as 3-channel correlative DF.
The DF-A0062 direction finding antenna covers a frequency range of 20 MHz to 6 GHz.
Highly flexible pre-clutch Cardan shafts are used in a drive train when there is a large shaft offset or a larger distance between the input and output sides.
The OMNI-A0205 vertically polarised omni-directional antenna consists of an active antenna array, covering 20 to 6000 MHz.