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To help you make the most of your Defence Engage profile, we have put together these content specifications, so you know exactly what is required. 


Parent Organisation Name

Single choice: Have you supplied the Defence Sector previously?*

  • Yes

  • No

Organisation Logo* (Ideal size is 200x200px)

Organisation Description* (2000 characters)

Single choice: Country*

Single choice: Region*

Website URL*

Work Email Address*

Organisation Telephone*

Organisation Banner Image (Ideal size is 738x317)

  • Format must be .png, .jpg or .gif

Multiple choice: Sectors and Domains Served (Highly Recommended)

Multiple choice: Main Solutions Provided (Highly Recommended)

Single choice: Company Turnover (range)*

Single choice: No. of Employees (range)*

Year Company Established 

Social Values (Highly Recommended)

Multiple choice: Open to?


Admin Profile Contact (primary point of contact)

First Name*

Last Name*

Job Title*

Work Email*


[*] Compulsory Field



Product Name* (75 characters recommended)

A single square image* (Ideally 400x400px)

Abstract* (400-character max)

Description* (2000-character max)

Sectors and Domains* (Multiple Choice)

Specific Capabilities* (Multiple Choice)

Accreditations*(Multiple Choice)

Key Features/Specs (1000-character max)

Key Features PDF Upload (Optional)

Testimonial/Case Study/Review (1000-character max)

Testimonial/Case Study/Review - PDF Upload (Optional)

TRL (Technical Readiness Level)*

  • 1-3 Research

  • 4-6 Development

  • 7-9 Deployment

[*] Compulsory Field

Defence Engage

Press Releases

Title* (100 characters recommended)

A single square image* (400x400px)

Body text* (500 – 800 words recommended)

Single Choice: How would you categorise this press release news*:

  • For Defence Engage’s secure platform only

  • Publicly available (sharable on social media)

Multiple Choice: News Type* 

  • Company Milestone

  • Funding Award

  • Contract Win

  • Contract Delivery

  • Product Debut

  • Collaborative Announcement

  • Social Value Update

  • Awards and Accolades

  • Research and Case Studies

  • Other

[*] Compulsory Field

Defence Engage


Title* (100 characters recommended)

Video URL*

Featured Image* (Square 400x400px)

Video Embed Code*

Multiple choice: Video Type*

  • Company Overview
  • Case Studies or Research
  • Product Catalogue Introduction
  • Product Demo
  • Company Milestone
  • Social Value Update
  • Contracts or Collaborations
  • Awards and Accolades
  • Other

Abstract (300-character recommended)

Description* (1000-character max) 

[*] Compulsory Field

                                                  Defence Engage

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